WUSV Qualifier Team
Please join me in wishing the very best of luck to our USCA member teams that will be competing at the WUSV Qualification Trial on June 9th and 10th in Spring Green, Wisconsin. The trial will be held at:
River Valley High School
660 Varsity Blvd.
Spring Green, WI 53588
Lyle Roetemeyer — USCA President
List of USCA Qualifying Teams
- Sean O’Kane with Max ze Stribrneho Kamene
- Kristen Oberholtzer with Banga von Floyd Haus
- Mike Diehl with Irmus Galag Nalag
- Frans Slaman with Brongo Fron Fighter
- Dan Cox with Chuck vom Dorneburger Bach
- T. Floyd with Benny Vom Floyd Haus II
- Tommy Gillies with Figo vom Fuchsgraben
- Clement Dang with Fox Van’t Enclavehof
- Abe Chahine with Jabina Niller
- Ronnie Burmner with Nick vom Patiala