SchH3 Club Application
Applicant must comply with all of the following:
- 1. The titles of BH, IPO/SchH1, IPO/SchH2, and IPO/SchH3 must be earned by the same handler on a previously untitled dog. All protection scores must adhere to USCA standards.
- 2. All titles must be acquired at USCA event(s).
- 3. A copy of the scorebook showing proof of titles MUST be submitted with application for SchH3/IPO3 Club membership.
After your accomplishments are verified, you will become part of the permanent list that is published in the March/April issue of Schutzhund USA and be eligible to purchase special SchH3 Club T-shirts and jackets from USA. For more information regarding the USA SchH3 Club, please contact the USA Office. Revised January 2001.