New USCA Rulebooks Released


USCA Director of Judges, Nathaniel Roque

The task of putting together our USCA Trial Rules and Regulations has been a huge undertaking, in part due to the continuing confusion due to translation between German and English as well as the subtle differences between the FCI wording and the SV.

I’m very proud of the end result that is our USCA Rulebook. I believe that it is very correct and adds a lot of clarification regarding point deductions and behavior in the trial that is evaluated by our judges. It also contains more complete descriptions of exercises than in past rule books as well as containing some common variances and guidelines pertaining to the hosting of a trial.

To keep the overall size more manageable, the rules for the RH1 and RH2 as well as the AWDF AWD Titles are contained in separate rule books , the links to these are referenced in the rule book and on the web site. This additional rule book will be posted shortly.

This document may be reviewed and, if needed, revised, in 90 to 120 days based on any editing errors that are reported.

I like to thank the German Shepherd Schutzhund Club of Canada (GSSCC), their president Dave Janzten and the GSSCC Director of Judges Doug Deacon for sharing their rule book. The time and effort that they put into clarifying the new version of the rules and writing their book saved a great deal of time in the development of our rulebook.

I’d like to thank the following members for their time and input during the final review and editing:

  • Jim Alloway
  • Frank Phillips
  • Dennis VanDerLinde
  • Sean O’Kane
  • Ann Marie Chaffin
  • The USCA Judges Committee – Carla Griffith, Mike Gardner, Jim Alloway
  • The USCA Judges College
  • Robert Johentsen (Apprentice Judge)
  • Weston and Elise Kester
  • Gail Kendall

To print the rule book It is currently supplied in a PDF format — a universally understood format. This is version 1.2013. It can be printed on your personal printer or at any office supply store such as Staples or Office Max. many of them can print and bind a quality copy of these rules for your use in either a 8.5×11 or booklet version at a minimal cost. Staples has a service called PrintMe. To use PrintMe, email the file to them at and you will receive a confirmation number that can then be taken to any Staples. They will pull up the file and print it.

There will be a new Bh written exam released in the next 2 weeks that will have all questions referencing from the new rule book

Thanks for your support of USCA and the USCA Judges College!

Nathaniel Roque
Director of Judges – United Schutzhund Clubs of America (USCA)
USCA – Working / Performance Dog Judge #30
USCA / SV – SV Licensed Trial Judge

Members can download the new rulebook from the Online Forms page in the new USCA Members section.