Message from Director of Judges
To clarify the transition from IPO to IGP
All authorizations processed / approved prior to 1.1.19 are grandfathered from IPO to IGP and do not need to be reissued.
Going forward Clubs need to be specific in requesting what titles will be offered when requesting authorization.
USCA offers the following titles:
BH-VT, IGP,GPR, FPR (TR), UPR (OB), 1-2-3, IGP V, FH-V, IFH 1-2 and IGP FH, STP 1-2-3, AD these are all internationally recognized / accepted working dog titles earned from 1.1.19 forward by all WUSV and FCI organizations effective 1.1.19.
IPO titles earned prior to 1.1.19 are automatically allowed to continue at the same level (IPO 3-IGP 3) or proceed to the next higher IGP title (IPO 1-IGP2 etc).
USCA also will continue at this time to offer IPO 1-2-3 which if earned after 1.1.19 are only recognized by USCA for both sport and for USCA Breed Survey.
IPO titles earned in USCA ( for sport or Breed Survey) after 1.1.19 will not be accepted as the required prerequisite title for IGP ( example if a IPO 1 is earned at a USCA Trial on 1.10.19 and the handler then wants to proceed to earn an IGP2 they would need to pass an IGP 1 before proceeding to IGP 2 and a IGP 2 to IGP 3).
Nathaniel Roque
USCA Director of Judges