Effective Immediately – SV Koermeister Authorizations
Effective immediately for all SV Koermeister authorizations not already approved.
The SV has started a new process that does not allow the club to select the Judge /Koermeister for a Breed Survey. The SV National Breed Warden will make the selection and the club will have to accept whatever judge / Koermeister they approve ( this is the new international process for all organizations requesting SV Koermeister ).
All SV authorizations for a Koermeister for a USCA/SV Breed Survey must be submitted well in advance, the exact time frame has not yet been identified. Your request must have a location and airport that will be used for the judge.
After submitting the request and SV Fee you will be notified of approval and what judge has been assigned to your event and then you can contact them and make travel arrangements for the designated judge.
This is for SV only, Clubs may select and contact directly USCA Breed Masters to conduct the USCA Breed Survey.
Nathaniel Roque, USCA Director of Judges