E-Mail Updates to Membership
Jim Alloway and the Executive officers recently sent an email message to each USCA member who has an e-mail address on file. Unfortunately, a number of those bounced due to address errors. If you didn’t get this message, please email Debbie in the USCA office at Accounting@GermanShepherdDog.com. Using email rather than phoning ensures we get your correct email address. The Executive Officers will use this means of communication periodically to update the membership on important issues.
If you are using spam filtering software or other methods of screening unwanted emails, please make certain that UnitedSchutzhundClubsOfAmerica@gmail.com is on your accepted senders list. This list is also called a white-list.
If you do not wish to receive these communications, there is a opt-out link at the bottom of each message that is sent to your email address.
For those who may have missed the message …
Jim Alloway
USCA PresidentThank you for your membership in the United Schutzhund Clubs of America. I’m honored to be serving as your President. Further, I’m proud to be part of an executive board that is excited about the future of our organization. Please join me in welcoming Frank Phillips (VP), Karen MacIntyre (NBW), Michele Scarberry (Secretary), Mike Diehl (DAL), Claudia Romard (DAL), and Deb Krsnich (DAL).
Thank you to Lyle Roetemeyer, Craig Groh, Tim Burke, Al Govednik, Johannes Grewe, and Marsha Asbury for your years of service. Your accomplishments and dedication will not be forgotten.
The EB has been meeting/communicating regularly since the election. We will continue to work for you and always prioritize our German Shepherd dog, the sport of IPO, and our members. There are exciting times ahead!
This is the first of many emails to come. In the weeks/months ahead I will be communicating regularly via email to the membership. I will strive to communicate all relevant/pertinent information so that you are well-informed. If you did not receive this email directly, the office likely has the incorrect or no email on file. Please contact Debbie Sweeney via email to add/change your email address.
Have a great weekend and good luck with your training!
Yours in the sport,
Jim Alloway — United Schutzhund Clubs of America