Waive the requirement to participate in a Regional Championship for Joeri Verth to qualify for 2019 Nationals with his dog Ace

EB# 40-19

EB Ballot # 40-19 – Waive the requirement to participate in a Regional Championship for Joeri Verth to qualify for 2019 Nationals with his dog Ace.


Motion:  by Jim Alloway, Treasurer, seconded by Nathaniel Roque, DOJ, to waive the requirement to participate in a Regional Championship for Joeri Verth to qualify for 2019 Nationals with his dog Ace.


Background:  Joeri intended to show at the Mideastern Regional Championships, however, the timing of a medical surgery prevented him from doing so. He and his dog Ace competed at the 2018 Nationals and have met the 270 requirement for the 2019 Nationals. While there were other regional events that Joeri could have attended prior to the MER Championships, he did not have knowledge that the surgery would be moved up to prevent participation in the MER Championships. The MER Championships were the last regional event prior to the Nationals, preventing him from attending another qualifying event.