Waive the 21-day event notification for North Beach Schutzhund Club

EB Motion #02-19

EB Motion #02-19 Waive the 21-day event notification for North Beach Schutzhund Club
Motion by Chris Thompson, SE RD, seconded by Michele Clubb, Secretary, to waive the 21-day event notification for North Beach Schutzhund Club.
Background:  North Beach Schutzhund Club submitted an EAF on 1/9/19 for a trial 2/16/19.  The event has been posted on the USCA website.  RD/Club Contact thought an event flyer and entry form was sent out to clubs in the region.  For what even reason the email did not go through.  At this time since the judge is scheduled and club is planning a trial I am asking for a waiver for the 21 day notification.  An email will be going out tonight (2/6/19) to the regional clubs advising them of the upcoming trial.
YES: 18 – President Vadim Plotsker, Vice President Mark Scarberry, Treasurer Jim Alloway, Secretary Michele Clubb, NBW Heidi Theis, DAL Mike Diehl, Dennis Vander Linde, Gary McGillivary and Alan Bartlson,  RD Mark Chaffin, , Pedro Jimenez Jr,  Hal Lymus, Chris Thompson, Teresa Cowart, Don Yelle, Carissa Kuehn  Deb Krsnich, and Dr Dena McGowan
No Response: 1 – DOJ Nathaniel Roque,