To Award USCA Judge Jacob Pope a Permanent Full USCA Trial/Performance License

EB Motion #27-21

EB Board 27-21 – To Award USCA Judge Jacob Pope a Permanent Full USCA Trial/Performance License
Motion: by Nathaniel Roque, Director of Judges, seconded by Gary McGillivary, DAL, to Approve a Permanent USCA Performance / Trial License for Probationary Judge Jacob Pope
Background,  The USCA Judges Program requires the General Board or Executive Board to pass the motion to grant / award a USCA Judges Permanent License.  Jacob Pope is eligible at this time so the motion is being presented to the Executive Board instead of waiting a year until the General Board Meeting, the GBM will still have the right to affirm this decision or request a new vote. 
As a probationary judge Jacob has exceeded his requirements and should not have to wait 12 months to receive his Full License. 
The USCA Judges Committee recommends the approval of a Permanent Performance / Trial License for Probationary Judge Jacob Pope.   He has met or exceeded all of the requirements as a probationary judge to be eligible for his “full license”. 
Jacob has met the required 30 trials and has been in probation for 3 years , this meets the program requirements. 
He has performed as a fair and correct judge with the skills and knowledge to uphold the standards of the USCA Judges Program.