To award full USCA Show and Breed  Judges License to Probationary Judge Richard Shook

EB #05-23

EB Motion 05-23 –  To award full USCA Show and Breed  Judges License to Probationary Judge Richard Shook

Motion by Nathaniel Roque, DOJ, on behalf of the USCA Judge Committee and seconded by Heidi Theis, NBW, to award full USCA Show and Breed Judges License to Probationary Judge Richard Shook

 USCA Probationary Judge Richard Shook has completed all requirements for his probationary period as a USCA Show and Breed Judge.
During his probationary period, he has received many compliments from members and clubs where he has judged. Richard was issued a special waiver to judge a regional show and did an outstanding job based on all reports.

Both NBW Heidi Theis and I highly recommend that Richard receive his “full license”. We believe he is an excellent representative of USCA as a judge and has a great career ahead as a Breed and Show Judge representing USCA.