National / Regional Breed Warden Rules (Updated)
EB #02-15
Motion: by Michele Scarberry, NBW, presented on behalf of the BAC; seconded by Carolyn Daniel, Secretary, to approve the 2014 revised BAC document NBW and RBW rules. See Rules and Regulations for updates.
Background: The USCA (Breed) Rules and Regulations were in need of updates and categorizations. As rules change or are modified, the committee suggests that these changes be maintained by the office.
Roanna Banducci, Heidi Theis, Ivana Karlsen, Karen MacIntyre, and Michele Scarberry worked on the updates/revisions approved by the BAC, with focus on the RBW position.The Regional Breed Warden is a highly responsible elected position. RBW are the link between our registry, the breeders, and clubs within their Region.
3.2.5 Attends all meetings and/or conference calls of the BAC and receives instructions to be passed down the line to his/her Wardens.
3.2.11 Is required to write an article for the USCA magazine on their Region’s annual Regional Conformation Show and Breed Survey.
3.2.12 To attend and assist with the USCA Sieger Show (as described in the USCA Constitution & Bylaws and the Regional Policy).
3.2.13 Shall promote an annual educational Regional Seminar in the area of conformation, shows, handling, or breed surveys, etc.
VOTE RESULT: 18 YES (Jim Alloway, Frank Phillips, Carolyn Daniel, Michele Scarberry, Nathaniel Roque, Mike Diehl, Dennis VanderLinde, Laurie Coppola, Ron Fox, Jennifer Acevedo, Arthur Collins, Scott Hedger, Pedro Jimenez, Gail Kendall, Dena McGowan, Craig Paulus, Mark Scarberry, Don Yelle. 2 No reply Sean O’Kane, Mark Hamilton.
Motion carried: January 29, 2015