Mid-Ohio Bid for the 2018 WDC
EB Ballott: #23-17
EB Ballott: #23-17 Mid-Ohio Bid for the 2018 WDC
Motion submitted by: Vadim Plotsker, Vice President, and seconded by Sean O’Kane, Treasurer, to approve Mid-Ohio Schutzhund Club to host the 2018 Working Dog Championship.
Background: The Events Planning Committee has been notified and supports Mid-Ohio Schutzhund Club to host the 2018 WDC. Mid-Ohio Schutzhund Club hosted the WDC in 2010, 2012 and 2014.
Event Date: May 3-6, 2018
Location: Grove City, Ohio
YES: 18 Vice President Vadim Plotsker, Treasurer Sean O’Kane, Secretary Michele Clubb, NBW Michele Scarberry , DOJ Nathaniel Roque, DAL Mike Diehl, Laurie Coppola, Dennis Vander Linde, Gary McGillivary, RD’s Mark Chaffin, Don Yelle, Pedro Jimenez Jr, Carissa Kuehn, Hal Lymus, Teresa Cowart, Debra Krshnich, Mark Scarberry and Chris Thompson
ABSTAIN: 1 – President Jim Alloway
No Response: 1 – RD Dr Dena McGown