Implement a USCA Membership Rule that applies to those in elected positions within USCA.

EB Ballot: #36-17

EB Ballot: #36-17 Implement a USCA Membership Rule that applies to those in elected positions within USCA.

Motion by Vice President, Vadim Plotsker, seconded by Dennis Vander Linde, DAL to implement a USCA Membership Rule that applies to those in elected positions within USCA.

Proposed New Rule:  An Executive Board Member, Officer, Regional Director, Judge, standing committee member, or elected individual may not be a member of any competing German Shepherd Dog organization.


One of the agenda items at the 2017 General Board Meeting was the By-Law amendment to restrict United Schutzhund Club of America (USCA) members from being a member in any competing German Shepherd Dog (GSD) organization.  At the conclusion of the discussion and vote on this By-Law amendment, the General Board assigned an action item to the Executive Board (EB) to prepare a USCA rule that restricts members who have been elected to a position within USCA from being a member of a competing GSD organization.  The above USCA rule completes the action item assigned to the EB.

YES: 19 – President Jim Alloway,  Vice President Vadim Plotsker, Treasurer Sean O’Kane, Secretary Michele Clubb, NBW Michele Scarberry , DOJ Nathaniel Roque, DAL Mike Diehl, Laurie Coppola, Dennis Vander Linde, Gary McGillivary, RD’s Mark Chaffin, Don Yelle, Pedro Jimenez Jr, Carissa Kuehn, Hal Lymus, Teresa Cowart, Debra Krshnich, Mark Scarberry  and Dena McGown
No Response: 1 – RD Chris Thompson