Executive Board Ballots 2003
Vote results reported as Yes, No, NFD (needs further discussion), ABS (abstain), or NR (no response).
E-Ballot #28-03
(VDH SchH/VPG Rule Changes)
Motion by Mark Przybylski to accept the changes made by the WUSV in regard to VDH rules for SchH/VPG effective March 1, 2004.
Vote: Yes-19 (Jim Elder/Lyle Roetemeyer/Diane Madigan/Bill Plumb/Mark Przybylski/Johannes Grewe/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Kay Koerner/Howie Rodriquez/Bill Bimrose/Ray Blomberg/Jerrold Gray/Julia Grayson/Carl Johnson/Vicki Keller/John Oliver/Nathaniel Roque/Diane Vegsund), No-1 (David Wood), NR-1 (Randy Kromer).
Motion carried 12/16/03.
E-Ballot #27-03
(2004 World Team Qualification)
Motion by Diane Vegsund to allow competitors to use either their score from the 2003 National Championship in Reno or the 2004 North American Championship for their qualifying score for the 2004 World Team.
Vote: Yes-20 (Jim Elder/Lyle Roetemeyer/Diane Madigan/Bill Plumb/Mark Przybylski/Johannes Grewe/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Kay Koerner/Howie Rodriquez/Bill Bimrose/Ray Blomberg/Jerrold Gray/Julia Grayson/Carl Johnson/Vicki Keller/John Oliver/Nathaniel Roque/Diane Vegsund/David Wood), NFD-1 (Randy Kromer).
Motion carried.
E-Ballot #26-03
(2004 North American Schedule Variance)
Motion by Vicki Keller to approve a variance for the 2004 North American Championships to be held in mid-April instead of the General Board-approved dates of the first two weekends in May.
Vote: Yes-21 (Jim Elder/Lyle Roetemeyer/Diane Madigan/Bill Plumb/Mark Przybylski/Johannes Grewe/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Kay Koerner/Howie Rodriquez/Bill Bimrose/Ray Blomberg/Jerrold Gray/Julia Grayson/Carl Johnson/Vicki Keller/Randy Kromer/John Oliver/Nathaniel Roque/Diane Vegsund/David Wood).
Motion carried unanimously.
E-Ballot #25-03
(2003 WPO Judge)
Motion by Diane Vegsund to accept the USA K-9 Committee’s recommendation that Kevin Sheldahl judge the 2003 WPO Police Dog Championship at the 2003 National Championship.
Vote: Yes-19, ABS-2
Motion carried.
E-Ballot #24-03
(Regional Requirement Variance)
Motion by Diane Vegsund that regional championship participation is not required for those individuals whose permanent residence is outside the 48 contingent United States of America. Permanent residence will be the address provided to the Office with membership application or renewal.
Vote: Yes-20 (Jim Elder/Lyle Roetemeyer/Diane Madigan/Bill Plumb/Mark Przybylski/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Kay Koerner/Howie Rodriquez/Ray Blomberg/Scott Boedecker/Julia Grayson/Carl Johnson/Vicki Keller/Joe Marcantonio/John Oliver/Nathaniel Roque/Kris Taves/Diane Vegsund/David Wood), NR-1 (Johannes Grewe).
Motion carried.
E-Ballot #23-03 – Withdrawn
E-Ballot #22-03
(Probationary USA Breed Judges License for Ricardo Carbajal)
Motion by Mark Przybylski to accept the Judges Committee recommendation to grant a probationary breed judge’s license for Ricardo Carbajal.
Motion carried unanimously.
E-Ballot #21-03
(Deletion of Forming Club Status)
Motion by Diane Madigan to no longer offer a forming club status.
Vote: Yes-21 (Jim Elder/Lyle Roetemeyer/Diane Madigan/Bill Plumb/Mark Przybylski/Johannes Grewe/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Kay Koerner/Howie Rodriquez/Ray Blomberg/Scott Boedecker/Julia Grayson/Carl Johnson/Vicki Keller/Joe Marcantonio/John Oliver/Nathaniel Roque/Kris Taves/Diane Vegsund/David Wood).
Motion carried unanimously.
E-Ballot #20-03
(Deletion of Forming Club Status) – Withdrawn
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E-Ballot #19-03
(Required Passing Score at 2005 Regional Championship)
Motion by Lyle Roetemeyer that starting in 2005, all entries to the USA-GSD National Championship must receive a passing score at a USA regional championship any time after the previous year’s USA-GSD National Championship. All regional entries must compete at their current SchH1, SchH2, or SchH3 level or the next higher level. This is “in addition” to the required 270-point qualifying score attained at any USA regular club trial and/or a USA regional championship.
Vote: Yes-17 (Jim Elder/Lyle Roetemeyer/Diane Madigan/Mark Przybylski/Johannes Grewe/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Kay Koerner/Howie Rodriquez/Ray Blomberg/Scott Boedecker/Julia Grayson/Carl Johnson/Vicki Keller/Joe Marcantonio/Nathaniel Roque/David Wood), No-2 (Bill Plumb/Kris Taves), NFD-2 (John Oliver/Diane Vegsund).
Motion carried. Supersedes E-Ballot #11-03 with addition shown in semibold italic.
E-Ballot #18-03
(Required Showing at Regional Championship)
Starting in 2004, all entries in the USA-GSD National Championship must have shown at a USA regional championship any time after the 2003 USA-GSD National Championship. All regional entries must compete at their current SchH1, SchH2, or SchH3 level or the next higher level. This is “in addition” to the required 270-point qualifying score attained at any USA regular club trial and/or a USA regional championship.
Vote: Yes-19 (Jim Elder/Lyle Roetemeyer/Diane Madigan/Mark Przybylski/Johannes Grewe/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Kay Koerner/Howie Rodriquez/Ray Blomberg/Scott Boedecker/Julia Grayson/Carl Johnson/Vicki Keller/Joe Marcantonio/Nathaniel Roque/Kris Taves/Diane Vegsund/David Wood), No-2 (Bill Plumb/John Oliver).
Motion carried. Supersedes E-Ballot #10-03 with the addition shown in semibold italic.
E-Ballot #17-03
(Two-Dog Rule Variance)
Motion by Mark Przybylski that USA make a variance from SV rules to allow handlers to show three dogs per handler per trial in all USA trials, excepting any and all championship trials where the two-dog limit will still apply.
Vote: Yes-14 (Jim Elder/Diane Madigan/Bill Plumb/Mark Przybylski/Johannes Grewe/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Kay Koerner/Vicki Keller/Joe Marcantonio/John Oliver/Nathaniel Roque/Kris Taves/Diane Vegsund), No-7 (Lyle Roetemeyer/Howie Rodriquez/Ray Blomberg/Scott Boedecker/Julia Grayson/Carl Johnson/David Wood).
Motion carried. Ratified at 2004 GBM–Nashville.
E-Ballot #16-03
Motion by Lyle Roetemeyer that USA will no longer recognize the existence of the WDA. USA will not recognize any of their activities, judges, or scorebooks; and will not recognize awards or titles issued by any judges, including SV judges, at WDA events.
Vote: Yes-20 (Jim Elder/Lyle Roetemeyer/Diane Madigan/Bill Plumb/Mark Przybylski/Johannes Grewe/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Kay Koerner/Howie Rodriquez/Ray Blomberg/Scott Boedecker/Julia Grayson/Carl Johnson/Joe Marcantonio/John Oliver/Nathaniel Roque/Kris Taves/Diane Vegsund/David Wood), NFD-1 (Vicki Keller).
Motion carried.
E-Ballot #15-03 – Withdrawn
E-Ballot #14-03
(Combine USA National Conformation Show with USA-GSD National Championship)
Motion by Howie Rodriguez to combine the USA National Conformation Show (Sieger Show) with the USA-GSD National Championship on the same weekend.
Vote: Yes-3 (Howie Rodriquez/Mike Hamilton/Carl Johnson), No-15 (Jim Elder/Lyle Roetemeyer/Bill Plumb/Mark Przybylski/Johannes Grewe/Al Govednik/Kay Koerner/Ray Blomberg/Scott Boedecker/Joe Marcantonio/John Oliver/Nathaniel Roque/Kris Taves/Diane Vegsund/David Wood), NFD-2 (Diane Madigan/Vicki Keller), ABS-1 (Julia Grayson).
Motion failed.
E-Ballot #13-03
(Name Change of USA-GSD Championship to USA-GSD National Championship)
Motion by Howie Rodriguez to change the name of the USA-GSD Championship, if approved in E-Ballot #8-03, to the USA-GSD National Championship.
Vote: Yes-20 (Jim Elder/Lyle Roetemeyer/Diane Madigan/Bill Plumb/Mark Przybylski/Johannes Grewe/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Kay Koerner/Howie Rodriquez/Ray Blomberg/Scott Boedecker/Julia Grayson/Carl Johnson/Vicki Keller/Joe Marcantonio/John Oliver/Nathaniel Roque/Diane Vegsund/David Wood), No-1 (Kris Taves).
Motion carried.
E-Ballot #12-03
(2006 Regional Participation for Entry in USA-GSD National Championship)
In 2006, all entries to the USA-GSD National Championship must have received a qualifying score of 270 points in a USA regional championship any time after the 2005 USA-GSD National Championship.
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Vote: Yes-4 (Mike Hamilton/Ray Blomberg/John Oliver/David Wood), No-14 (Jim Elder/Lyle Roetemeyer/Diane Madigan/Bill Plumb/Mark Przybylski/Johannes Grewe/Al Govednik/Kay Koerner/Scott Boedecker/Julia Grayson/Vicki Keller/Nathaniel Roque/Kris Taves/Diane Vegsund), NFD-3 (Howie Rodriquez/Carl Johnson/Joe Marcantonio).
Motion failed.
E-Ballot #11-03
(2005 Regional Participation for Entry in USA-GSD National Championship)
Starting in 2005, all entries to the USA-GSD National Championship must receive a passing score in a USA regional championship any time after the 2004 USA-GSD National Championship. This is “in addition” to the required 270-point qualifying score attained at any USA regular club trial.
Vote: Yes-17 (Jim Elder/Lyle Roetemeyer/Diane Madigan/Bill Plumb/Mark Przybylski/Johannes Grewe/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Kay Koerner/Howie Rodriquez/Ray Blomberg/Julia Grayson/Carl Johnson/Vicki Keller/John Oliver/Nathaniel Roque/David Wood), No-2 (Kris Taves/Diane Vegsund) NFD-1 (Joe Marcantonio) NR-1 (Scott Boedecker).
Motion carried 7/20/03. Superseded by E-Ballot #19-03.
E-Ballot #10-03
(2004 Regional Participation for Entry in USA-GSD National Championship)
Starting in 2004, all entries in the USA-GSD National Championship must have shown at a USA regional championship any time after the 2003 USA-GSD National Championship. This is “in addition” to the required 270-point qualifying score attained at any USA regular club trial.
Vote: Yes-18 (Jim Elder/Lyle Roetemeyer/Diane Madigan/Bill Plumb/Mark Przybylski/Johannes Grewe/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Kay Koerner/Howie Rodriquez/Ray Blomberg/Julia Grayson/Carl Johnson/Vicki Keller/John Oliver/Nathaniel Roque/Diane Vegsund/David Wood), NFD-2 (Joe Marcantonio/Kris Taves), NR-1 (Scott Boedecker).
Motion carried 7/20/03. Superseded by E-Ballot #18-03.
E-Ballot #9-03
(Schedule for USA National Conformation Championship)
The USA National Conformation Championship will be held Saturday and Sunday and Monday before the USA-GSD National Championship effective 2005.
Vote: Yes-7 (Jim Elder/Mark Przybylski/Al Govednik/Ray Blomberg/Julia Grayson/Joe Marcantonio/Nathaniel Roque), No-10 (Diane Madigan/Bill Plumb/Johannes Grewe/Kay Koerner/Howie Rodriquez/Carl Johnson/Vicki Keller/John Oliver/Diane Vegsund/David Wood), NFD-2 (Lyle Roetemeyer/Kris Taves), NR-2 (Mike Hamilton/Scott Boedecker).
Motion failed.
E-Ballot #8-03
(Change USA National Championship to USA GSD Championship)
Motion by Mike Hamilton to eliminate the current USA “open” National Championship and replace it with the USA-GSD Championship effective 2004.
Yes-16 (Jim Elder/Lyle Roetemeyer/Bill Plumb/Mark Przybylski/Johannes Grewe/Al Govednik/Kay Koerner/Ray Blomberg/Julia Grayson/Carl Johnson/Vicki Keller/Joe Marcantonio/John Oliver/Nathaniel Roque/Diane Vegsund/David Wood), No-1 (Diane Madigan), NFD-2 (Howie Rodriquez/Kris Taves), NR-2 (Mike Hamilton/Scott Boedecker).
Motion carried.
E-Ballot #7-03
(Board of Inquiry Case: USA vs. O.G. Wesconn/John Henkel)
Motion by Diane Madigan to accept the Board of Inquiry’s determination that the charges be dismissed due to improper filing by the former USA Administration.
Vote: Yes-15 (Jim Elder/Diane Madigan/Bill Plumb/Johannes Grewe/Kay Koerner/Howie Rodriquez/Ray Blomberg/Scott Boedecker/Julia Grayson/Carl Johnson/Vicki Keller/John Oliver/Nathaniel Roque/Kris Taves/Diane Vegsund), No-2 (Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton), NFD-1 (Mark Przybylski), ABS-2 (Lyle Roetemeyer/David Wood), NR-1 (Joe Marcantonio).
Motion carried.
E-Ballot #6-03
(2003 National Championship Slate of Judges)
Motion by Mark Przybylski to accept the Judges Committee’s recommendation of the following judges for the 2003 National Championship:
Tracking – Willie Pope (USA)
Obedience – Igor Lengvarsky (FCI)
Protection – Günther Diegel (SV)
Vote: Yes-15, No-6
Motion carried.
E-Ballot #5-03
(American Dobermann Association Judging)
Motion by Bill Plumb that USA support the American Dobermann Association (ADA) by allowing our judges to officiate at their working events.
Vote: Yes-19 (Jim Elder/Lyle Roetemeyer/Bill Plumb/Mark Przybylski/Johannes Grewe/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Kay Koerner/Howie Rodriquez/Ray Blomberg/Scott Boedecker/Julia Grayson/Carl Johnson/Vicki Keller/Joe Marcantonio/Nathaniel Roque/Kris Taves/Diane Vegsund/David Wood), No-1 (John Oliver), ABS-1 (Diane Madigan).
Motion carried.
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E-Ballot #4-03
(Amend Fiscal 2003 Budget for AWDF Dues Increase)
Motion by Bill Plumb to amend the fiscal 2003 budget to increase the AWDF dues to $3,800 from $500.
Vote: Yes-21 (Jim Elder/Lyle Roetemeyer/Diane Madigan/Bill Plumb/Mark Przybylski/Johannes Grewe/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Kay Koerner/Howie Rodriquez/Ray Blomberg/Scott Boedecker/Julia Grayson/Carl Johnson/Peggy Park/Joe Marcantonio/John Oliver/Nathaniel Roque/Kris Taves/Floyd Wilson/David Wood).
Motion carried unanimously.
E-Ballot #3-03
(Change Central Zone Borders)
Motion by Floyd Wilson to change the Central Zone borders to: North to South from Lake Erie along the Eastern Borders of Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Northern border of Alabama, and Eastern border of Mississippi, placing Alabama in the Eastern Zone.
Vote: Yes-19 (Jim Elder/Lyle Roetemeyer/Diane Madigan/Bill Plumb/Mark Przybylski/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Kay Koerner/Howie Rodriquez/Ray Blomberg/Scott Boedecker/Carl Johnson/Peggy Park/Joe Marcantonio/John Oliver/Nathaniel Roque/Kris Taves/Floyd Wilson/David Wood), NR-2 (Johannes Grewe/Julia Grayson).
Motion carried. Ratified at 2003 GBM–Reno.
E-Ballot #2-03
(Office Travel)
Motion by Bill Plumb to amend the budget to increase the office travel expense by $1,200.
Vote: Yes-14 (Jim Elder/Lyle Roetemeyer/Bill Plumb/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Howie Rodriquez/Ray Blomberg/Scott Boedecker/Julia Grayson/Carl Johnson/Joe Marcantonio/Nathaniel Roque/Floyd Wilson/David Wood), No-4 (Diane Madigan/Kay Koerner/John Oliver/Peggy Park), ABS-1 (Mark Przybylski), NR-2 (Johannes Grewe/Kris Taves).
Motion carried.
E-Ballot #1-03
(2003 GSD Championship Slate of Judges)
Motion by Mark Przybylski to approve the following slate of judges for the 2003 German Shepherd Dog Championship:
Tracking – Willie Pope (USA)
Obedience – Carla Griffith (USA)
Protection – Glenn Stephenson (USA)
Motion carried unanimously.

Executive Board Ballots 2003