Executive Board Ballots 1998

Executive Board Ballots–1998 1 of 2 Updated October 2005
Vote results reported as Yes, No, NFD (needs further discussion), ABS (abstain), or NR (no response).
Mail Ballot #15-98 (1998 USA National Championship Protection Judge)
Motion by Park Przybylski, Director of Judges, that, due to cancellation of Hans Rudenauer, Al Milner be
selected as Protection Judge for the 1998 USA National Championship in Denver, Colorado.
Vote: Yes-17 (Jim Elder/Barbara Malcolm/Bill Zumwalt/Mark Przybylski/Mike Hamilton/Jim Hill/Kay Koerner/
Michele Scarberry/Ann Stacer/Mary Allen/Tim Cruser/Al Govednik/Johannes Grewe/John Oliver/Peggy Park/Donna Rednour/
Mark Scarberry), NR-4 (Gordon Esselmann/Vicki Bartley/Glenn Johnson/Floyd Wilson).
Motion carried.
Mail Ballot #14-98 (Appealing Decision of Regional Director)
The Western Maine Schutzhund Club would like to appeal the decision of the New England Regional
Director, Mary Allen, to not renew the appointment of Deborah Palman as a Tattooer and Breed Warden.
Motion: Shall the decision of Mary Allen, New England Regional Director, to not renew the appointment of
Deborah Palman as a Tattooer and Breed Warden be sustained by the Executive Board.
Vote: Yes-8 (Barbara Malcolm/Bill Zumwalt/Mike Hamilton/Mary Allen/Vicki Bartley/Tim Cruser/Al Govednik/John Oliver),
No-1 (Ann Stacer), NFD-7 (Gordon Esselmann/Kay Koerner/Donna Rednour/Jim Hill/Johannes Grewe/Floyd Wilson/Peggy Park),
NR-5 (Jim Elder/Mark Przybylski/Michele Scarberry/Glenn Johnson/Mark Scarberry).
Motion carried.
Mail Ballot #13-98 (1998 Sieger Show Date Change)
Change the dates of the 1999 Sieger Show from the existing window of the first two weekends of June to
April 23-25, 1999. This change is for 1999 only. These dates follow the World Qualifier of April 16-17,
1999. The reason for this change is because extreme climate conditions in the southern part of the country
make the transportation of animals impossible or dangerous by air.
Vote: Yes-12 (Gordon Esselmann/Barbara Malcolm/Bill Zumwalt/Mark Przybylski/Jim Hill/Michele Scarberry/Vicki Bartley/
Al Govednik/Johannes Grewe/John Oliver/Donna Rednour/Mark Scarberry), No-5 (Mike Hamilton/Ann Stacer/Tim Cruser/
Glenn Johnson/Floyd Wilson), NFD-3 (Jim Elder/Kay Koerner/Mary Allen), NR-1 (Peggy Park).
Motion carried.
Mail Ballot #12-98 (USA Event Nonmember Entry Surcharge/National Event Entry Requirement)
Effective January 1, 1999, any individual who is not a member in good standing with the United Schutzhund
Clubs of America must pay a surcharge of $35 in order to enter any USA sanctioned event. This money is
payable to USA and must be submitted to the office in St. Louis along with the event’s other paperwork.
Collection of this fee is the responsibility of the hosting club. In the event the club fails to submit the required
fees for nonmembers of USA, all paperwork for that event will be held in abeyance until the required fees for
nonmembers are received in the USA Office. Also effective January 1, 1999, entry into any USA National
Event is limited to members in good standing with the United Schutzhund Clubs of America, who must also
be a full member of a full member club of USA. Individuals whose permanent residence is outside the North
American continent are excepted from these requirements.
Vote: Yes-15 (Gordon Esselmann/Jim Elder/Barbara Malcolm/Bill Zumwalt/Mark Przybylski/Jim Hill/Ann Stacer/Mary Allen/
Tim Cruser/Al Govednik/Vicki Bartley/Johannes Grewe/John Oliver/Donna Rednour/Mark Scarberry), No-1 (Floyd Wilson),
NFD-4 (Mike Hamilton/Kay Koerner/Michele Scarberry/Glenn Johnson), NR-1 (Peggy Park).
Motion carried. Nonmember entry surcharge rescinded at 1998 GBM–Denver. National event entry requirement superseded
by 1999 EBM–St. Louis (National Event Entry Requirement).
Mail Ballot #11-98 (Annual Trial Waiver)
Waive the one trial per year requirement for 1997 and allow the Hundesport Alaska Schutzhund Club to
remain a full member club.
Vote: Yes-15 (Gordon Esselmann/Jim Elder/Barbara Malcolm/Bill Zumwalt/Mark Przybylski/Mike Hamilton/Kay Koerner/
Michele Scarberry/Ann Stacer/Mary Allen/Al Govednik/Johannes Grewe/Glenn Johnson/John Oliver/Peggy Park),
No-3 (Tim Cruser/Jim Hill/Donna Rednour), NFD-1 (Floyd Wilson), NR-2 (Vicki Bartley/Mark Scarberry).
Motion carried.
Executive Board Ballots–1998 2 of 2 Updated October 2005
Mail Ballot #10-98 (Annual Trial Waiver)
Waive the one trial per year requirement for 1997 and allow the LA Working Dog Club (SW Region) to
remain a full member club.
Vote: Yes-17 (Gordon Esselmann/Jim Elder/Barbara Malcolm/Bill Zumwalt/Mark Przybylski/Mike Hamilton/Kay Koerner/
Michele Scarberry/Mary Allen/Al Govednik/Johannes Grewe/Glenn Johnson/John Oliver/Peggy Park/Donna Rednour/
Mark Scarberry/Floyd Wilson), NFD-2 (Jim Hill/Ann Stacer), NR-2 (Vicki Bartley/Tim Cruser).
Motion carried.
Mail Ballot #9-98 (Designation of 1998 World Championship Helpers) – Withdrawn
Mail Ballot #8-98 (1998 North American Championship Judge Change)
Due to unexpected medical problems, SV Judge Ludwig Germain, scheduled to judge tracking at the 1998
North American Championship, is unable to do so. The Trial Committee wishes to use USA Judge Ray
Wisner and the Judges Committee has approved this selection. Motion that USA Judge Ray Wisner be
approved to judge tracking at the 1998 North American Championship.
Vote: Yes-16 (Gordon Esselmann/Jim Elder/Barbara Malcolm/Bill Zumwalt/Mark Przybylski/Mike Hamilton/Jim Hill/
Kay Koerner/Ann Stacer/Mary Allen/Tim Cruser/Johannes Grewe/Glenn Johnson/John Oliver/Donna Rednour/Floyd Wilson),
NFD-1 (Peggy Park), NR-4 (Michele Scarberry/Vicki Bartley/Mike Caputo/Al Govednik).
Motion carried.