Executive Board Ballots 1996

Executive Board Ballots–1996 1 of 1 Updated October 2005
Vote results reported as Yes, No, NFD (needs further discussion), ABS (abstain), or NR (no response).
Mail Ballot #31-96 (Membership Dues Increase)
Shall USA’s annual membership dues be increased effective March 1, 1996 to the following amounts:
$60 Individual Membership $75 Family Membership
$75 Foreign Individual Membership $96 Foreign Family Membership
$100 Club Membership $15 Additional First Class Postage (no change)
Motion carried.
Mail Ballot #30-96 (Budget Increase for Software Development)
Shall USA’s approved budget be increased by $15,000 for additional software development.
Vote: Yes-19 (Gordon Esselmann/Floyd Wilson/Barbara Malcolm/Patricia Cloar/Doug Alexander/Kay Koerner/
Steve Robinson/Ann Stacer/Ralph Allen/Norm Bacher/Vicki Bartley/Mike Caputo/Andy Cardenas/Tim Cruser/Jim Elder/
John Oliver/Peggy Park/Mark Przybylski/Donna Rednour), NFD-2 (Jim Hill/Michele Scarberry).
Motion carried.
Mail Ballot #29-96 (1996 World Qualifier Slate of Judges)
Shall the following judges slate be approved to judge USA’s 1996 World Qualifier Trial April 21-22 in St.
Louis, Missouri.
Tracking – Al Kerr
Obedience – Tony Perrone
Protection – Mike Caputo
Vote: Yes-19, NFD-1, NR-1
Motion carried.
Mail Ballot #28-96 (1996 North American Championship and FH Championship Slate of Judges)
Shall the following judges slate be approved to judge USA’s 1996 North American Championship Trial and
FH Championship hosted by the South County Schutzhund Club:
Tracking – Doug Deacon
Obedience – Bill Szentmiklosi
Protection – Frank Mensing
FH – Bill Szentmiklosi
Vote: Yes-18, No-1, NFD-1
Motion carried.


Executive Board Ballots 1996
Executive Board Ballots 1996