Club Regional Affiliation Status

EB #07-16

EB Ballot 07-16 Club Regional Affiliation Status 

Motion: By Nathaniel Roque, DOJ and seconded by Frank Phillips, VP:

“To allow clubs to affiliate or maintain full member status belonging to a region outside of the geographical borders of the region they reside within. “

“Special Exceptions” may be made to allow a forming “affiliate” USCA club or a “full member” USCA club to request that they be recognized and a club of a region or be moved to a region other than the region that the club is located with approval from the Executive Board.  Clubs may only be approved to be moved to one of the “adjoining geographical regions” to their location (the region they are requesting to be moved to must border the region they fall into by location).

To be considered for this “Special Exception” a club must at least meet the minimum following criteria and be approved by the USCA Executive board.

  1. They can demonstrate strong valid and reasonable cause that they should not be required to be a part of the region that they are located within.
  2. If the reason is due to relationships between clubs within their region or with the regional officers, they must show that they have made strong efforts to solve or resolve these “differences” or “problems” prior to the request to be moved to another region. A USCA Executive Board Member may be recruited to help as a “go between or arbitrator” to facilitate communication with all involved and help with an attempt to work out any problems prior to moving or making the request to move regions.
  3. If circumstances change in the future to alter the reason for the “Special Exception”  the club must agree to a possible review by the Executive Board to be moved back into the region that they are located .
  4. Any USCA Clubs in good standing at the time of this motion passing that are or have been moved to another region will be “grandfathered” in to remain in that region unless they request to be moved back to the region where they are physically located.
  5.  If the request is approved and the club is allowed to become a club of a different region:

6.1   The club will request and receive event authorization from the Regional Director of the region they have been approved to be a member.

6.2   The club will adhere to all regional policy of the region that they are members.

6.3   The club will notify the Regional Director of the region they reside in within ten (10) days of receiving an approved EAF from their Regional Director and will notify all clubs of both regions per USCA policy a minimum of twenty one (21) days in advance of the event with a flier and entry form.

6.4   The club and Regional Director will check with the Regional Director of the region the club is physically located within before issuing any event authorization to avoid conflict with adjoin Regional Events.


This motion is to put into place a policy and standard for addressing an already present situation of USCA Clubs being allowed to become part of a different region. This motion will not affect the status of any club already in this situation unless they choose to move back to their geographical region but will set a standard for any future situations and will limit them to only moving to the adjoining region


 YES 17  (Frank Phillips, Sean O’Kane, Carolyn Daniel, Michele Scareberry, Nathaniel Roque, Mike Diehl, Dennis Vander Linde, Laurie Coppola, Ron Fox, Jennifer Acevedo, Chris Thompson, Carissa Kuehn, Mark Chaffin, Pedro Jimenez, Gail Kendall, Mark Scarberry, Don Yelle)

 NO   (Hal Lymus)

 NFD (Jim Alloway, Dena McGowan)

Motion Carried: March 14, 2016