Bid for 2015 Working Dog Championships

EB #14 -14

Motion by Frank Phillips, Vice President, seconded by Sean O’Kane, Treasurer to accept the bid from Niagara Frontier Working Dog Club, Lancaster, NY to host the 2015 Working Dog Championship.

Background: The proposed date is May 8-10 2015.  This club has previously hosted three Regional Championships.  The closest airport is  BUF-Buffalo Niagara International. Attached is a photo of the tracking field, and bid application.Contact person for event information: Tony Copani,      This is the only bid received by the NEC.

VOTE RESULT: 14 YES (Jim Alloway, Frank Phillips, Michele Scarberry, Nathaniel Roque, Karen MacIntyre, Mike Diehl, Claudia Romard, Gail Kendall, Jen Acevedo, Arthur Collins, Dena McGowan, Pedro Jimenez, Craig Paulus, Mark Scarberry)


1 NO  (Sean O’Kane)

5 No Response. (Deb Krsnich, Dennis Vander Linde, Mark Hamilton, Scott Hedger, Don Yelle)