Bid for 2015 German Shepherd National Championship
EB #01-15
Motion: by Frank Phillips, Vice President, seconded by Sean O’Kane, Treasurer, to accept the bid from O.G. Patriot Schutzhund Club of the Mid East region, Scottsdale, KY to host the 2015 UScA Nationals.
Background: The *considered date” is November 13-15, 2015. This club has previously hosted the 2013 AWDF Championship and the 2013 Mid-Eastern Regional Championship. They are located within reasonable distances from two airports located in Nashville,TN and Louisville, KY. Tracking is abundant and hotels are plentiful. The host hotel will be the Barren River State Resort Park in Lucas, KY. This facility is dog friendly and has been a host hotel to previous events hosted by this club. Attached is the bid application.
VOTE RESULT: 20 unanimous YES (Jim Alloway, Frank Phillips, Sean O’Kane, Carolyn Daniel, Michele Scarberry, Nathaniel Roque, Laurie Coppola, Mike Diehl, Ron Fox, Dennis Vander Linde, Jen Acevedo, Arthur Collins, Mark Hamilton, Scott Hedger, Pedro Jimenez, Gail Kendall, Dena McGowan, Mark Scarberry, Craig Paulos, Don Yelle)
Motion carried: January 26, 2015