Award the title of Judge Emeritus and all benefits associated with this position to Retired USCA Judge Ernest Hintz

EB Ballot# 29-19

EB Motion: 29-19  – Award the title of Judge Emeritus and all benefits associated with this position to Retired USCA Judge Ernest Hintz

Motion by Nathaniel Roque on behalf of the USCA Judges Committee, seconded by Michele Clubb, Secretary, to award the title of Judge Emeritus and all benefits associated with this position to Retired USCA Judge Ernest Hintz.

Background: Ernest Hintz has served as a fully licensed USCA Judge since receiving his USCA License in May 1992 (serving USCA for 27 years). During this time he has been actively judging at the level of club, regional and the USCA Working Dog Championship. He has also served as a teaching judge and helped many apprentices in their journey to earn a USCA Judges License.

Additionally Ernest contributed extensively managing the web and data management  in the hosting of the Cincinnati WUSV World Championship hosted by USCA under the supervision of co chairmen Johanes Grewe and Craig Groh. This event set a standard of excellence and was very financially successful for USCA due directly to the tireless efforts of the members that volunteered their time, Ernest was in a key role for this event.

The USCA Judges Committee has unanimously approved and recommends this honor be awarded to Ernest Hintz for all of the above reasons and more.