Award Judge Emeritus to USCA Judge Glen Stephenson
EB #19-14
Motion by Nathaniel Roque, Director of Judges, seconded by Frank Phillips, Vice President, to award Judge Emeritus to USCA Judge Glenn Stephenson on his retirement per USCA Judges Program,
effective September 2014
Background: Glen has been a USCA Judge since October 1997 and was awarded USCA Lic # 24. Glen later earned an SV License with our USCA/SV Judges Seminar. During this time Glen has judged all levels of USCA Trials, from club level to national events. Glen did have approximately (1) one year of leave for personal reasons, but returned to the USCA Judges College, to judge the WDC for USCA.
Glen has submitted his request to retire as a USCA Judge effective September 2014. USCA will also notify the SV of his retirement as a USCA Judge since the status of his SV License is based on maintaining a current USCA License his SV License will also be retired. The USCA Judges Committee supports this motion with a vote of (4) four yes and (1) one abstain to award the title Judge Emeritus and all of its benefits.
Per the approved USCA Judges Program he meets the requirements to become a USCA Judge Emeritus by having served as an active USCA Judge for 10 years or longer and retiring in good standing.
Vote Result 17 YES (Frank Phillips, Michele Scarberry, Nathaniel Roque, Karen MacIntyre, Mike Diehl, Deb Krsnich, Claudia Romard, Dennis VanderLinde, Jen Acevedo, Arthur Collins, Mark Hamilton, Scott Hedger, Pedro Jimenez, Gail Kendall, Dena McGowan, Craig Paulus, Mark Scarberry,
3 No Response (Jim Alloway, Sean O’Kane, Don Yelle)
Motion passed October 10,2014