Approve Way Out West Schutzhund Club to host the 2018 USCA National Show

EB Ballot: #29-17

EB Ballot: #29-17 – Approve Way Out West Schutzhund Club to host the 2018 USCA National Show

Motion submitted by: Hal Lymus RD, on behalf of the Event Planning Committee, seconded by Michele Scarberry, NBW, to approve Way Out West Schutzhund Club to host the 2018 USCA National Show.

Background: The Executive Board approved USCA to host a National Show on the off years from when USCA hosts the Sieger Show.  Way Out West Schutzhund Club has submitted a bid to host the National Show in 2018.  Way Out West Schutzhund is more than qualified to host this national event as they have held several Regional and National events that have been described as both competitor and spectator friendly and very well organized. 

WOW is currently looking at a couple locations in the Lodi and Galt area of California to host the event.  Both locations are about a 40 minute drive from the Sacramento International Airport. WOW will be looking to host the event in April 2018. WOW will be working closely with the Breed Advisory Committee.

I fully support WOW in hosting the 2018 National Show. 


YES: 15 – President Jim Alloway,  Treasurer Sean O’Kane, DOJ Nathaniel Roque, NBW Michele Scarberry, DAL Mike Diehl, Laurie Coppola,  Gary McGillivary, RD’s Mark Chaffin, Mark Scarberry,  Debra Krsnich Carissa Kuehn, Dr Dena McGowan, Hal Lymus Chris Thompson and Teresa Cowart

NFD:  4 –Vice President Vadim Plotsker, DAL Dennis Vander Linde, RD Don Yelle and Pedro Jimenez (All support WOW however, stated funds need to be allocated prior so the financial responsibility is not on the club)

ABSTAIN: 1 – Secretary Michele Clubb