Approve USCA /SV Judge Ann Marie Chaffin to replace Judge Pierre Walstrom
EB Ballot: #21-18
EB Ballot # 21-18 Approve USCA /SV Judge Ann Marie Chaffin to replace Judge Pierre Walstrom
Motion by Nathaniel Roque, DOJ on behalf of USCA Judges Committee, seconded by Michele Clubb, Secretary, to approve USCA/SV Judge Ann Marie Chaffin to replace SV Judge Pierre Walstrom as the protection judge for the 2018 USCA GSD National Championship
Background: Pierre Walstrom (previously approved for this event) is not able to accept the invitation to judge the protection phase at the 2018 GSD National. The host club had requested 2 choices (Jonkers and Walstrom) and the Judges Committee supported both but Judge Jonkers was not available and after approval of Judge Walstrom he also was not able to accept in invitation.
USCA/SV Judge Chaffin had completed a Bi Richter under Judge Diegel at the 2017 National in preparation to judge this event or any upcoming championship. She exceeds all requirements to be selected for this event. The contact for the host club has also approved this change of judges.
(Voting is confidential and totals will not be posted -pass or not pass results only will be posted)
Motion carried August 27th, 2018