Approve the qualification process for the 2021 USCA-GSDCA WUSV Qualification Trial

EB Motion # 25-20

EB Board #25-20 – Approve the qualification process for the 2021 USCA-GSDCA WUSV Qualification Trial

Motion by Mike Diehl, DAL on behalf of the World Championship Committee, and seconded by Michele Clubb, Secretary, to approve the qualification process for the 2021 USCA-GSDCA WUSV Qualification Trial


Current Qualification process:

The following process will be used to select the 10 dog-handler teams to compete for USCA at the USCA-GSDCA WUSV Qualification Trial.

  1. The top 5 dog/handler teams at the USCA German Shepherd Dog National Championship, who receive at least 270 points and at least 80 points in protection, will earn an automatic bid to compete in the Qualification Trial.
  2. The top 5 German Shepherd Dog dog/handler teams at the USCA Working Dog Championship, who receive at least 270 points and at least 80 points in protection, will earn an automatic bid to compete in the Qualification Trial.
  3. The remaining 2 (or more should 1 or more of the above 10 decide not to attend) spots will go to the dog/handler teams that have competed in the USCA German Shepherd Dog National Championship and USCA Working Dog Championship. The spots will go to the teams with the highest average, calculated by using the scores from those 2 trials.
  4. If positions remain to be filled after completing 1 through 3 above, the World Championship Committee may select additional dog/handler teams, giving consideration to teams that placed 6th or lower in the USCA German Shepherd Dog National Championship.
  5. If positions remain to be filled after completing 1 through 4 above, the World Championship Committee may select additional dog/handler teams, giving consideration to German Shepherd Dog dog/handler teams that placed 4th or lower in the USCA Working Dog Championship.

 Qualification process for 2021 only

 The following process will be used to select the 10 dog-handler teams to compete for USCA at the 2021 USCA-GSDCA WUSV Qualification Trial.

  1.    The top 10 dog/handler teams at the 2021 USCA Working Dog Championship, who receive at least 250 points total, at least 80 points pronounced in protection, and meet the requirements for participation in the WUSV Championship, will earn an automatic bid to compete in the Qualification Trial.


YES:  16  –  President Vadim Plotsker, Vice President Mark Scarberry, Treasurer Jim Alloway, Secretary Michele Clubb, NBW Heidi Theis, DAL’s Mike Diehl, Alan Bartlson, Dennis Vander Linde, Gary McGillivary, RD’s Robin Ayling, Trisha Wicklund, Don Yelle, Debra Krsnich, Hal Lyums Dena McGowan and Richard Shook

No Response: 4 – DOJ Nathaniel Roque, RD’s  Pedro Jimenez, Mike Sweeney, Diane Vegsund