Approve the change of the judge for phase “C” Protection at the 2021 USCA GSD Nationals from Vincente Ferre, Spain to Raino Flugge Canada/SV licensed judge.
EB #24-21
EB Motion #24-21 – Approve the change of the judge for phase “C” Protection at the 2021 USCA GSD Nationals from Vincente Ferre, Spain to Raino Flugge Canada/SV licensed judge.
Motion by Nathaniel Roque, DOJ, on behalf of the USCA Judges Committee and seconded by Michele Clubb, Secretary, to approve the change of the judge for phase “C” Protection at the 2021 USCA GSD Nationals from Vincente Ferre, Spain to Raino Flugge Canada/SV licensed judge.
Background: Due to USA Covid restrictions travel from Spain to the USA is restricted to essential workers only. Judge Flugge was just at the same venue to judge the regional championship and is available to judge our National Championship.