Approve reimbursement to Wild West WDC for hosting the South Central Regional Training Seminar
EB Ballot: #22-17
EB Ballot: #22-17 Approve reimbursement to Wild West WDC for hosting the South Central Regional Training Seminar
Motion by Dr Dena McGowan, RD and seconded by Don Yelle, RD, to approve reimbursement to Wild West WDC, for hosting the South Central Regional Training Seminar in March of 2017, up to the $1500 limit.
Wild West WDC held the South-Central Region Seminar in March 2017. The seminar was held in good faith and USCA members were not charged for the seminar. They sent receipts to Julia Grayson (SC ARD) who was out of country and then was extremely busy at work. Julia did not get them forwarded to me (Dena) until July 3, 2017. Since it is now past the 2016-2017 fiscal year the club cannot be reimbursed in that fiscal budget. If they were to be reimbursed now it would come out of the 2017-2018 fiscal budget and then the region would not receive reimbursement for a regional seminar this year. I don’t feel it is fair to penalize the club or the region.
YES: 16 – President Jim Alloway, Treasurer Sean O’Kane, Secretary Michele Clubb, DOJ Nathaniel Roque, NBW Michele Scarberry, DAL Laurie Coppola, Dennis Vander Linde, Gary McGillivary, RD’s Mark Chaffin, Mark Scarberry, Don Yelle, Pedro Jimenez Jr, Teresa Cowart, Debra Krshnich, Dr Dena McGown and Chris Thompson
NO: 1 – RD Hal Lymus,
NFD: 1 – Vice President Vadim Plotsker,
No Response: 2 – DAL Mike Diehl, RD Carissa Kuehn,