Approve increasing reimbursement amount to a total of $5000 for Nick Bethard who represented USCA on the 2024 FCI team
EB #26-24
EB Ballot #26-24 – Approve increasing reimbursement amount to a total of $5000 for Nick Bethard who represented USCA on the 2024 FCI team.
Motion by Chris Thompson, MER RD, second by John Kennedy, Treasurer, to approve increasing reimbursement amount to a total of $5000 for Nick Bethard who represented USCA on the 2024 FCI team.
Background: Prior to 2019, many USCA members of various FCI teams received $5000 in reimbursement from USCA. Nick is currently approved for $2500 in reimbursement, so an increase of $2500 is requested to bring Nick’s reimbursement to the same level.
Nick has shown dedication to USCA by assisting in co-hosting the 2024 WDC and representing USCA interests in AWDF dealings. Nick also volunteered a significant amount of his time in developing a live stream platform that USCA can use for its championships, starting with the 2024 Mid East Regional Championship.
YES: 19 – President Vadim Plotsker, Vice President Mike Sweeney, Treasurer John Kennedy, Secretary Michele Elmore, DOJ Nathaniel Roque, NBW Heidi Theis, DAL Mike Diehl, Mark Chaffin, Josh Lininger, RD’s Don Yelle, Ben Kools, Pedro Jimenez, Tom Miller, Richard Shook, Chris Thompson, Robin Ayling, Tom Miller, Cherie Flores and Nelli Racsko
NFD: 1 – RD Deb Krsnich