Addendum to the USCA Breed Survey Regulations & Rules
EB# 36-16
Motion by Michele Scarberry, NBW, presented on behalf of the BAC, and seconded by Frank Phillips, Vice President, to approve the recommended addendums to USCA Breed Survey R&R (Rules & Regulations) [section 4.3, page 3]
The problem of USCA Only Breed Survey was presented to the BAC for review. Numerous times the USCA Only Survey has mistakenly been sent to Germany for processing. Members have paid the USCA Only processing fee. The Office has incurred the additional SV processing fees, costing USCA money By adding the three (3) addendums it will help to clarify the protocol to our clubs, members, and office staff.
Current R&R last revised 2015:
4.3.Duties of Breed Survey Secretary
4.3.1 Mail breed survey entry forms to participants a minimum of three weeks in advance.
4.3.2 Check submitted documents for accuracy and completeness, check the eligibility of the dogs entering the breed survey.
4.3.3 Prepare Korlisten (breed survey forms) and temporary breed survey certificates and have them ready for the breed survey master either prior to, or at the start of the survey. The forms are available from the USCA website.
4.3.4 Inform the breed survey master regarding receipt and number of entries.
4.3.5 Provide a catalog-‐type list of participants that is divided by males and females,and first time, and repeat breed surveys.
4.3.6 Submit the checked documents for each dog to the breed survey master before the start of the breed survey
4.3.7 The Show Secretary and Koermeister are responsible for noting at the top of the survey USCA ONLY, or SV ONLY
4.3.8 The USCA ONLY BREED SURVEY is to be sent to the USCA Office, and processed in house
4.3.9 The USCA/SV Breed Survey is sent to the office, then forwarded to Germany for processing
Furthermore, the BAC is in agreement to maintain the current fee schedule for in house office processing of the USCA ONLY BS
The committee also recommends that the USCA Office fee schedules receive a separate page on the website entitled USCA Office Processing Fees, where one can easily find and view what USCA charges for all of our services i.e. HD/ED fee, BS fee, trial recording fee, registry fee, etc.
YES 19 (Jim Alloway, Frank Phillips, Carolyn Daniel, Sean O’Kane, Michele Scarberry, Nathaniel Roque, Mike Diehl, Dennis Vander Linde, Laurie Coppola, Ron Fox, Deb Krsnich, Chris Thompson, Carissa Kuehn, Mark Chaffin, Pedro Jimenez, Gail Kendall, Dena McGowan, Mark Scarberry, Don Yelle)
NFD 1 (Hal Lymus)
Motion Carried: September 22, 2016