Approve a USCA Performance Survey for dogs ineligible to compete in a Breed Survey

EB #20-24

EB #20-24 – Approve a USCA Performance Survey for dogs ineligible to compete in a Breed Survey

Motion by Heidi Theis, NBW and seconded by Michele Elmore, Secretary, to Approve a USCA Performance Survey for dogs ineligible to compete in a Breed Survey.


Dogs that are in the Performance Registry for a non-compliant WUSV breeding are not eligible to enter any Breed Survey conducted by a USCA club or any other WUSV organization. With many dogs in this situation, owners would still like an overall assessment of their dog. The Performance Survey will be conducted exactly like the USCA Breed Survey but will be called the Performance Survey and the fee payable to USCA for recording will be the same as USCA Breed Survey, $25. The Performance Survey will not be recognized by the WUSV. The Performance Survey will be a USCA only assessment, for owner’s information. Attached are copies of the Performance Survey regulations and a prototype of the Performance Survey document.




YES: 18 – President Vadim Plotsker, Vice President Mike Sweeney, Treasurer John Kennedy, Secretary Michele Elmore, DOJ Nathaniel Roque, NBW Heidi Theis, DAL Mike Diehl, Mark Chaffin, Jim Alloway Dennis Vander Linde, RD’s Don Yelle, Ben Kools, Pedro Jimenez, Tom Miller, Richard Shook, Chris Thompson, Cherie Flores  and Nelli Racsko

NO: 1 – RD Robin Ayling

Abstain: 1 – RD Tom Miller