2014 Regional Educational Seminar Funding
EB #16 -14
Motion by Sean O’Kane, Treasurer, seconded by Gail Kendall RD to approve funding for reimbursement of Regional Educational Seminar(s). Proposed as a one-time expense, Regional Seminars are sanctioned events intended to strengthen member knowledge and skills, these events are considered a service to our members, and not a profit or income producing event.
Background — We have experienced ample success in the past hosting educational seminars which were well received by our membership. Regional Educational Seminars may be held in conjunction with a Regional event, or as a free standing event. Each Regional Director has the capacity to spend up to $1,500 within their Region(s). Regional Directors will be responsible for allocating the funds. The money is dedicated as a not-for-profit event, and must be offered for all USCA members to participate.
(The Host/club is encouraged to sell food, beverages, and memorabilia items, as a profit)
Educational Seminars must meet the following requirements:
- Seminars must be advertised on the website, and open for all USCA members
- Seminar participants must sign a waiver to hold harmless
- Region(s)/host must submit an Educational Reimbursement Form within 15 days of completing the event
- Reimbursement amount is limited to $1500 per Region, there is a limit of one (1) reimbursement per Region
- USCA has the final determination on reimbursement(s)
Vote result: 18 YES. (Jim Alloway, Frank Phillips, Michele Scarberry, Sean O’Kane, Nathaniel Roque, Karen MacIntyre, Mike Diehl, Deb Krsnich, Dennis VanderLinde, Jen Acevedo, Mark Hamilton, Scott Hedger, Pedro Jimenez, Gail Kendall, Dena McGowan, Craig Paulus, Mark Scarberry, Don Yelle)
2 No reply (Claudia Romard, Arthur Collins)
Motion carried September 3, 2014.