Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Organization News
This year’s Nationals will be held near Bowling Green, KY. This promises to be a sensational event . . . OG Patriot (our co-host) is diligently working on every detail to make this event spectacular. This event site was home of the 2013 AWDF Championship. Club experience, exceptional venue, fair/impartial judging, and highly talented helpers and tracklayers . . .
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Monday, March 16, 2015
Organization News
The 2015 Working Dog Championships are right around the corner…are you ready? The WDC combines 5 Championships into 1 – The IPO, FH, Obedience, HOT, and Youth Champions are all crowned at this event. This promises to be one of the best events in USCA history . . . Tony Copani and Niagara Frontier Working . . .
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Friday, February 6, 2015
Organization News
It is with indescribable sadness that I write this message. My friend, colleague, USCA member and staunch supporter, as well as one of the finest people I’ve ever known has unexpectedly passed away. Dale has been instrumental in the last 4 years in the development and launch of our website and has donated hundreds of hours of service . . .
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Friday, December 26, 2014
Organization News
Mike Hamilton has been one of (if not THE) most influential and important members of our organization. Throughout his career with USCA he started one of our country’s finest clubs, has been a competitor, a mentor, a training director, a helper, a judge, a regional director, a friend, and a president. His contribution and influence will . . .
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Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Organization News
The USCA GSD IPO3 National Championship is right around the corner . . . the OG Buckeye team is in final preparations for the week and I’m proud to announce that 73 competitors from over 20 different states are entered. We have a great cross-section of members with some of the county’s finest trained German Shepherd dogs. It . . .
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Friday, October 3, 2014
Organization News
USCA has four members who are on the 2014 World Team … Debbie Zappia with Ron von den Wölfen Mike Diehl with Irmus Galan Nalag Wallace Payne with Greg vom Maulachtal Dwight McNight with Aik vom Thai der Schwarzen Wölfe Watch them live on the internet when they compete in France! The site,, is broadcasting . . .
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Monday, June 23, 2014
Organization News
“Arthur Collins, USCA newest Probationary Working Dog Judge! Please join me in welcoming Arthur Collins into the USCA Judges College as our newest Working Dog Judge. Arthur has worked very hard to complete the apprenticeship process for USCA and Im proud to welcome him into the USCA Judges College. Arthur has served USCA in many . . .
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Due June 1, 2014
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Organization News
Just a quick reminder that all club/regional dues are due to the USCA office by June 1, 2014. You should also send in an updated club roster. Below is the explanation document that contains all the info and forms necessary to complete. If you don’t send dues in a timely manner, Debbie and Sean will . . .
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Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Organization News
As many of you are already aware, recently the FCI has removed stick hits from the 2014 FCI Championship. Our Director of Judges, Nathaniel Roque has addressed this in the following piece. As always, USCA is committed to preserving the working heritage of the German Shepherd Dog. Please review and feel free to ask/write questions . . .
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Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Organization News
2014 is an election year! The Nominating Committee is diligently working to ensure that we have the best and most qualified members running for open positions. Our organization is a sum of the parts. . . serving the organization in leadership roles is important to the future and continued success of USCA. Please feel free . . .
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