2017 General Board Meeting Agenda
Monday, September 11, 2017
Organization News
The 2017 GBM Agenda has been posted in the members only section. Please be sure to get your club delegate letter turned into Debbie by October 1st, 2017
Monday, September 11, 2017
Organization News
The 2017 GBM Agenda has been posted in the members only section. Please be sure to get your club delegate letter turned into Debbie by October 1st, 2017
Friday, August 18, 2017
Organization News
Translation of the rules to participate at 8th WUSV Universal World Championship in Diest, Belgium Only dogs selected by their National association(s) that have as a minimum of: – IPO3 – Qualification rating of at least Good in a show at the minimum age of 12 months – HD & ED, A stamp on the pedigree . . .
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Organization News
Effective immediately USCA’s new telephone number at the office in St Louis is 314-200-3193. Please update your contacts to include this change. The office also no longer has a fax machine. If you need to send them paperwork please scan it and email to USCAoffice@GermanShepherdDog.com Thank you
Saturday, June 24, 2017
Organization News
Please join me in congratulating and welcoming USCA newest Performance / Trial Judge License # 50, USCA Member Stanley Craddock. Stanley has completed and exceeded all requirements of the USCA Judges Program having apprenticed and evaluated more than 90 IPO dogs during his apprenticeship. Stanley is available to accept USCA Club Level Judging assignments effective . . .
Friday, May 19, 2017
Organization News
“The FCI General Committee has approved the use of the soft stick for both threatening and contact (hits) at the FCI World Championship as long as the host country does not have laws prohibiting the use of it. If the host country does have laws prohibiting stick contact (hits) then the stick will only be . . .
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Organization News
Update regarding the “stick contact (hit) and pressure in IPO. After intervention of the FCI Working Dog Committee (as a reaction on the ban of the stick hit made by the FCI General Committee during the FCI IPO WOrld Championships ), the FCI General Committee has decided that, as long as the stick hit is . . .
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Organization News
“USCA has two new Performance / Trial Judges! Congratulations to Heidi Theis Probationary Judge # 48 and Vadim Plotsker Probationary Judge #49 ! As probationary judges they may judge USCA Club Level events and award all USCA approved titles. All titles awarded by Probationary Judges are fully recognized.” Nathaniel Roque, USCA Director of Judge
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Organization News
The USCA office escaped the flooding and it is business as usual
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Organization News
The office is in danger of flooding. Currently, Jody is the only one in the office and she is busy trying to prepare for a flood. She may not be able to answer calls or return them quickly. Please be patient.
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Organization News
The FCI Working Commission meeting was held March 11-12, 2017. The primary focus of the meeting was the discussion and approval of the proposed IPO rule changes to be effective 1/1/2019. Everything approved by the Working Commission is not official until approved by the FCI General Committee / Board and will not be implemented until . . .